UPSC Exams and Syllabus for UPSC

For extensive information on Syllabus for UPSC, aspiring candidates are advised to visit the given link.

This article will give brief information about the UPSC Exams conducted for recruitment in Civil Services and it will also briefly cover the syllabus for UPSC.

As per the pattern, the IAS exam has 3 different and rigorous stages of selection. The first stage of the upsc exams is the Preliminary examination, followed by the Mains examination which culminates with the Interview of the candidates who are able to successfully clear the Mains stage of the IAS Exam. The IAS Interview stage is also known as the Personality Test. The Preliminary stage of the IAS Exam contains Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and the Mains stage of the IAS Exam contains the questions which need to be answered in descriptive format. Blind candidates are given an extra time of 20 minutes for each paper in the IAS Exam (Prelims). There is ‘Negative Marking’ in the IAS Exam for each incorrect answer but only in the Prelims stage. The negative marking for incorrect answers will be 1/3rd (0.66) of the allotted marks of that question.

The Mains stage of the IAS Exam consists of 2 optional papers, but candidates have to choose only 1 optional subject out of 48 different optional subjects. The English Language is covered in Paper B of the Mains examination, and Paper A covers one of the Compulsory Indian Languages. Candidates have to choose 1 Language paper out of the list of languages included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.  The other 4 papers are General Studies Paper – I, General Studies Paper – II, General Studies Paper – III, and General Studies Paper – IV.

Prospective candidates must note that the UPSC Civil Service exam is used to not only fill vacancies in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), but this examination is conducted to fill vacancies in a total of 24 different services.

Syllabus for UPSC Mains

The below given information gives brief details on the Syllabus for General Studies.

Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper – 4

The UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper 4 will cover topics related to Probity in Governance, Challenges of Corruption, Codes of Ethics, Information Sharing and Transparency in government, Ethics and Human Interface, Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philosophers from India and around the world, Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service etc.

Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper – 3

The Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper 3 will cover topics related to Disaster Management, Environment, Security and Disaster, Economic Development, Technology. It also covers topics related to Land reforms in India, role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security, it will also check the awareness of candidates in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, etc.

Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper – 2

The Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper 2 will cover topics related to pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the polity, Parliament and State legislatures, Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies, issues relating to poverty and hunger, etc.

Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper – 1

The Syllabus for UPSC General Studies Paper 1 will cover topics related to Distribution of key natural resources across the world, Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism, etc.

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