Study Effectively for Long Hours

All the students face time constraints during the time of examination. Each student will try to complete more syllabi in a short span of time. Ultimately this leads to a lack of concentration and the student will not have a proper understanding of the concepts. This article will discuss the tips and tricks on effective studying for long hours.

Prioritise your study

The student with a regular study routine will have a complete idea on how to prioritise the study. Prioritising the study means focusing on subjects and topics that one needs more time. The topics that are elaborate and time-consuming must be taken into consideration at first. The concepts that require additional guidance and time can be finished first and then moved on further for lighter topics.

Make your study fun

Have you ever wondered if studying can be fun? One can make studying fun by switching to one’s favourite subject when a small portion of a difficult subject is done. Engaging in some fun activities like answering a few multiple-choice biology question after finishing a biology chapter and assessing ourselves. Tabulating the list of formulae in a colourful sheet and pasting it near the study table. One can take the pre-study lesson and try recollecting answers and memorising it again if necessary. Engaging a group of friends in few study activities like drawing the diagrams and labelling the parts of the diagram, solving a few numerical problems, identifying the scientific nomenclature of plants, and compounds in chemistry.

No to passive study

Most of the students tend to have a habit of passive study rather than active study. In the passive study, one sits for hours together and does not realise that much amount of the information is not grasped. Then this becomes reading not studying. In order to avoid passive study one has to write down the notes simultaneously while studying. The notes penned down while studying is the most important as it includes all the data related to concepts. The notes must be in such a way that they must include more tables, flow charts, points, equations, formulas rather than a paragraph. Later notes can be used as a revision tool just the day before the examination.

To-do list

When one has planned to study for long hours then a to-do list for a study plan is mandatory. This list must include all the subjects and concepts one is going to cover during the study time. This list enables the students to work harder and aims at finishing the tasks listed. The only important thing while making the list is the targets must be small and achievable. One can list out things like solving science questions, writing an essay on a topic, tabulating formulas of trigonometry chapters. The aim must be that by the end of the day these tasks must be completed.

Have regular short breaks

Studying for too long can be monotonous and the focus gets diminished. Short breaks every half an hour for about five minutes can be relaxing to the mind and as well as to the body. One can just move out of the study place, for a short walk or have a glass of water or talk to friends and family. Returning to the task immediately after the short break is important. The break as mentioned must be a shorter one. Try to avoid usage of gaskets such as mobile, laptops, television during these breaks as it deviates one’s mind and it takes time to regain the focus towards study. We all know that time is the most precious gift. Scheduling well and studying better will assure a good path and results. The wasted time never returns. One must learn to utilise the time efficiently and learn proper management time. The importance of studying and reaching the goals must be realised and learnt at the early stage itself.  Following a proper and strict study routine brings up the seriousness and helps to study in an effective manner.

By admin

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