top quality assignment

When it comes to writing university assignments and essays, 90% of students break into sweats fearing the complexity of the task. They immediately get flashbacks of ticking clocks, a pile of notes, and countless sleepless nights trying to bring everything together just before the deadline.

Being a student is no cakewalk – assignment deadlines, exam preparation, and other academic obligations. Not to forget peer pressure and parental expectations (of course!) In such cases, assignments and essays no less than an additional burden.

Even though most students have their share of challenges, there’s no denying that assignments play a pivotal role in shaping students’ academic grades. Top quality assignment can help students fetch higher grades, gain in-depth subject knowledge, and develop communication and critical thinking abilities.

Fortunately, writing assignments and essays don’t necessarily have to be your worst nightmare if you know the tricks to tackle the task efficiently.

Here are some ways you can wrap up your assignments in a sane mind.

Don’t overlook the instructions.

One of the secrets of preparing a top-notch assignment is following the guidelines accurately, whether it’s your math assignment or an English essay. Assignment guidelines are given so students can create a blueprint to go about the task.

Be thorough with the requirements and mark whatever is essential such as a reading list for reference, maximum word count, and necessary points to mention in the paper, and so on.

Double-check the assignment deadline

Nothing strikes fear in the minds of students than the thought of missing an important deadline. Irrespective of your university and coursework, all professors follow strict norms against assignment deadlines. If you fail to submit assignments before the mentioned deadline, it can majorly affect your overall academic scores.

To avoid that, mark it on your study calendar, big and bold.

Schedule your writing time

In college, you are likely to get homework one class after another – not to mention the preparation for upcoming tests, spelling bees, and other college activities. That’s why make a ‘to-do list to manage time.

Prioritize the tasks with the closest deadlines. Break them into small manageable chunks and allocate time. Be realistic while giving time. If you need an hour to write, allocate accordingly.

Prepare an assignment structure.

Okay, let’s say you have to prepare for an inter-college dance competition. What would you do first? Start with your practice? No, you would prepare a plan to balance both your studies and dance practice simultaneously.

Similarly, create an assignment outline and make details of everything you have to do. Refer to the guidelines and check the rubrics. Note down the points you have to mention in each paragraph with bullet points before you start.

Seek help if needed

Once you’ve read the instructions, planned your time, and prepared your assignment structure, it’s now time to determine if you can do the assignment without additional support.

Often, to write quality assignments, students get assignment help UAE service from subject matter experts, who provide extensive support, from brainstorming ideas to writing and editing assignments. If you feel the topic is beyond your abilities, reach out to an expert at the earliest.

Make optimum use of the internet for research.

Most students often overlook the importance of good research for the sake of completing their assignments quickly. You need to understand that your research is the backbone of your assignment. You cannot create a high-quality essay if you fail to provide sufficient details to support your arguments.

Use all the available resources – be it blogs, sample assignments, lectures, or notes – to gather a substantial amount of details relevant to your topic. Referring to other author’s work will strengthen your standing and bring your teacher’s praise for your hard work.

Give your complete focus to writing.

While writing, keep in mind the following:

  • Your introduction highlights the central question of the paper and how you would answer the question. Mention the crucial points of the article, followed by a thesis statement.
  • If you are unsure what to write in your introduction, wait until you complete your paper. By then, you will be familiar with the entire context.
  • Leave one body paragraph for one argument. Start every section with an opening sentence referring to the context of that paragraph. Provide sufficient details such as data, stats, or quotes to build your argument.
  • The concluding paragraph is your last chance to leave a lasting impression on your readers. Bring everything together by mentioning the crucial points from each of the body paragraphs.

Take referencing VERY

Even though referring to other author’s work validates your argument, it also increases the chances of plagiarism if you don’t cite the sources accurately.

No institutions or professors show any mercy if a student is found guilty of plagiarism. You must follow the referencing guidelines carefully, whether it’s APA, Harvard or Chicago. If possible, make a note of the sources while researching, so it becomes easier for you to cite.

In case you lack citation skills, don’t panic. Approach your professors and take face-to-face training on referencing. You can also use citation tools or sign up with a citation specialist for instant support.

Edit and proofread mercilessly

In academic writing, exceeding word count can sometimes invite negative marking. Crosscheck the rubrics for each paragraph while proofreading your assignment.

Review your essay and answers carefully, and check if all your answers are relevant to the question. Read line by line and correct overused words, adjectives. Remove extra information, data or facts. Make sure your formatting and citations are accurate as per the standard guidelines.

Don’t ignore breaks in between work.

Most students have this misconception that if they study at a stretch, they can complete their work without any distraction. Sadly, no! Working on your assignment at one go will drain out your energy. You are likely to get bored and make mistakes.

I always advise students to take breaks in between their work. For instance, if you have been writing for 30 minutes, take a break of 5 minutes to refresh yourself and cut the monotony.

Also, after you complete your assignment or essay, don’t right away start with proofreading. Distant yourself from the paper for a while, and then come back to it with a fresh mind. This will help you identify the errors more quickly and make reviewing fruitful.

Final Note

Assignment and essay writing require patience, planning, and good time management. It is a vital communication skill to succeed in college, university and beyond. Even though assignments may seem tedious and seriously time-consuming, they can improve your academic skills and critical thinking power. Hence, don’t dread the task and leave it for the last minute. Stay calm and get started with your assignments and essays at the earliest to avert assignment blues. more info to visit:

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