Home Light for Spring

As March is underway- we’re officially experiencing Spring, and Summer is on the way! Throughout the seasons our homes experience a lot of changes in terms of our approach to interior design. Throughout the Spring months, homeowners tend to make their properties a lot lighter and brighter- in preparation for the coming Summer months. Here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled our best top tips on how you can make your home light this Spring.

Brighten Up the Colour Scheme in Your Home:

When it comes to the colour scheme in your home for spring, then you want to add something that is light, that both brightens and cools down the property from the summer heat. A great way to do this is to add the colour white to your home, as the colour white brings a sense of freshness that only this colour can. However, if you have earthy and warm tones in your home, such as brown or yellow, then you should pair it with an ivory or ecru- which are creamier tones.

Add Nature to Your Home:

Spring is all about breathing new life. Trees blossom, new life is born, and the weather begins to get warmer.  A great way to incorporate the essence of spring into your home is to add nature to your home. Whether you choose to add floral fabric prints or add plants to your home- it’s a great way to incorporate fresh floral beauty into your interior design.

Clear the View:

As spring is the time for new beginnings, our outdoor areas can look so beautiful. To enhance and transition this beauty into our homes- a great tip is to make sure that the access to your outdoor view Is clear. Replace heavy winter curtains with lighter and more sheer curtains, while also adding a bit of texture to the room.

Keep Your Windows Clean:

Throughout spring when the sun is shining, it becomes even easier to spot the water marks and general dirt on your property windows. Not only do dirty windows look unappealing, but they also block a lot of light to come into the property. Clean and sparkling windows can make the house feel lighter and brighter.

Clear and Simple:

Whereas in winter we tend to go a lot harder with the interior décor, ensuring that all surfaces are filled with some sort of nod to the festive season, throughout spring, our homes tend to undertake a more minimalist approach to interior design. A good idea is to incorporate larger and more simple pieces of furniture, as this will help the room look more decluttered and a lot fresher.

Clean the Exterior:

After a long winter of mud, leaves and general debris outside our front door, Spring is a good time to get rid of the outdoor mess, and prepare the space for you to be outdoors.

This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you’re wondering “how can I sell house fast?”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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