PCOS along with its effect on fertility

PCOS basically is a medical condition that affects hormone levels in women and will lead to potential metabolic problems as well if not controlled on time. No doubt it can easily influence the health and functionality of the ovaries but necessarily it will not be affecting the situation of fertility in everyone. Infertility Rates are notably becoming very high, especially among the women who are facing the problem of PCOS. Many of the ladies are facing consistent challenges at the time of attempting to become pregnant which is the main reason that the entire situation requires medical intervention to improve the chances of conceiving. The best gynaecologist doctor in Banjara Hills very well recommends that ladies remain aware of their health because ovulation is very critical for conception and during this process, the mature egg will be released which can be easily fertilized by the sperm. So, being clear about the basics in this case is important because the symptoms of PCOS can easily manifest differently from one person to another. There might be some ladies who will be noticing these symptoms during the first menstrual period and all the other hand there will be some of the ladies who might not be clear about their condition at all.

Recognizing the symptoms of PCOS:

PCOS symptoms are usually of many types and some of those have been very well explained as follows:

  1. Irregularity in the menstrual cycle: PCOS normally leads to irregular in the menstrual cycle because of the problems associated with it which eventually will prevent the uterine lining from shedding every month. The woman who is suffering from PCOS will have fewer than eight periods a year or sometimes even more than that
  2. Very heavy bleeding: Due to the prolonged buildup of the uterine lining when the menstruation is not at all happening, it will become heavy as well as normal in terms of bleeding.
  3. Very excessive hair growth: Approximately more than 70% of the ladies who are suffering from PCOS will be suffering from the problem of increased hair growth on their faces as well as their bodies. Excessive hair will appear on the back, belly, and chest
  4. The consistent problem of acne: Since there will be consistent grace of the male hormones, it will lead to very oily skin as well as frequent breakouts which eventually affect the areas like face, chest, and upper back due to acne
  5. Male pattern of baldness: Another very common problem faced by ladies during PCOS is that their hair becomes very much thin and even falls out on the scalp due to the hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS
  6. Skin changes: If there is any development of the dark patches of skin it can easily develop into the body decreases like the neck and under the breasts or any other kind of related areas
  7. Consistent headache: Hormonal fluctuations will also trigger the headaches, especially the ones that are related to PCOS

Following are the basic details you need to know about the diagnosis of PCOS:

  1. Initial evaluation: Whenever the individual will be consulting the healthcare provider like best doctor for gynaecologist in Banjara Hills then definitely the process will be through initial evaluation which will be based on having clarity over the symptoms that the ladies are facing. The healthcare provider in this case will also be enquiring about the medication of the patient along with any kind of existing medical conditions. Detailed critical history is very important to be analyzed because it periods are a very common symptom of PCOS apart from this the doctor will also be suggesting a physical examination
  2. Diagnostic testing: After the initial evaluation has been done the doctor will recommend some diagnostic testing to confirm or rule out the PCOS and this particular testing will be based upon abdominal ultrasound, blood test, glucose and insulin levels, lipid profile, or any other kind of related things. This will also be helpful in providing the clarity over risk of cardiovascular complications associated with PCOS.
  3. Menstrual assessment: Irregular menstrual cycle is a very common symptom which is the main reason that healthcare providers will be asking for the menstrual diary and will be using testing systems like progesterone challenge tests to assess the menstrual regularity in the whole process.
  4. Additional testing: In some of the cases two hours of oral glucose tolerance test will be performed to assess the glucose metabolism along with incidence resistance and this will be very important with features of metabolic syndrome.
  5. Endometrial biopsy: This is the situation in which the PCOS will be associated with a prolonged or very heavy period and this will be recommended to rule out endometrial hyperplasia or uterine abnormalities at any point in time.
  6. Further testing: If the diagnosis is confirmed the healthcare provider will also be suggesting some of the additional testing systems to monitor and manage the potential complications. This will include mental health screening, screening of acne, or regular health checkups including the monitoring of blood pressure, glucose tolerance, cholesterol, and other associated options so that addressing of the associated risks will be very successfully done.

Some of the common tips that the ladies need to focus on in this case have been very well explained as follows:

  1. Every concerned lady must always focus on achieving and maintaining a very healthy weight because it will be helpful in improving fertility in women who are suffering from the problem of PCOS.
  2. Making very notable diet changes is definitely important so that management of the insulin levels will be successfully done in the cases of elevated PCOS levels and doctors in this case will also be recommending the dietary supplements to be taken into account.
  3. Ladies must focus on stress management and relaxation techniques so that maintenance of a healthy lifestyle will be perfectly done and everybody will be able to improve their fertility outcomes along with stress reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, and other associated options.

Hence consistently remaining in touch with the best hospitals for ladies in Hyderabad is definitely important for ladies in this case so that everybody will be able to reach out to the team of specialists whenever required and further ladies will be able to remain guided in the whole process of managing their health conditions very successfully.

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