VDI desktop

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a technology solution that companies adopt to create and host virtual desktop environments on remote centralized servers. The technology divides the data servers into numerous virtual desktops which run on different virtual machines (VMs). A management software application controls the hosting and operation of the virtual desktop environments on the virtual machines. This allows corporate enterprises to permit authorized end-users to access the virtual desktop using different end-point devices remotely. These devices typically include personal desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, or tablets. This eliminates the need for the companies to provide the end-users with a separate physical computing machine.

How does a VDI desktop infrastructure work?

In the companies’ digital workspace, directors, managers, officers, and employers need to use various business software applications to perform their duties. A VDI desktop infrastructure facilitates a secure, convenient, and user-friendly remote access platform that can boost employee productivity. It also ensures end-users get a consistent virtual desktop environment experience regardless of which end-point device they use. In all VDI desktop infrastructure deployments, the following salient characteristics are present:

  • The virtual desktop runs via a live feed on the virtual machines within a centralized data server,
  • Each of these virtual desktops has a standard operating system image like MS Windows,
  • The virtual machines which run the virtual desktops are host-based,
  • The end-point devices which end-users use must have a secure connection to the central server,
  • A link broker functions as an intermediary interface between the users and virtual resources, and
  • Another software called hypervisor control, host, operate and manage virtual machines.

VDI deployments

Companies can choose to set up the VDI desktop infrastructure as an on-premises installation within their business premises. Alternatively, these corporate enterprises can hire reliable managed service providers to host and run the VDI desktop infrastructure on an external and remote cloud-based server. in both cases, the corporations have to select either any of the following VDI deployments:

Persistent VDI

In this deployment, the server saves information and configuration changes the end-users make after exiting the VDI desktop environment. This allows the users to obtain a personalized experience comparable to using their personal desktop computers. However, the system requires ample storage space to save the relevant data.

Non-persistent VDI

In the non-persistent variant, the server does not save the data and sets user configuration changes after logging out. The server automatically reverts to the original setting configurations. Fortunately, the end-users can save the data changes by storing the information within the sharing option on the personal drive.

Implementing the proper VDI desktop infrastructure allows companies to permit their employees to access their business servers and resources from remote locations. This acts as a catalyst in boosting their productivity, ensuring cost savings on hardware, and increasing revenues. However, the companies must conduct a thorough feasibility study before installing the system. This enables them to prepare their existing network to assess their resource consumption needs and budget. Finally, the companies need to conduct a pilot test run before making the infrastructure operational for the business.

By admin

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