Blue Gemstone

With over 200 varieties of gemstones known to the world today, there are numerous semi-precious stones, which are so incredibly rare that their value overshadows many of the world’s most valuable precious gems. This mesmerizing gemstone is fairly new to the jewelry industry– having been discovered for the first time in 1967. Its beauty has captivated many jewelers around the world in a short span of time.

The key characteristic of Tanzanite crystals will remain the fact that it is made from a variety of the natural mineral zoisite and has not been synthesized like other valuable stones, which means that this blue stonehas not yet been effectively created in a lab. Whether it is for investment purposes or personal collection, Tanzanite is emerging as a perfect option right now.

Tanzanite, popular for its vibrant blue-violet color, can be used in numerous jewelry pieces, primarily for Rings. This extraordinary gemstone has a unique quality that other stones don’t have – The ability to change colors in different lights. Viewed as an affordable substitute to Sapphire, Tanzanite is very much rarer than this blue stone.

Whether it is an elegant Tanzanite engagement ring or a necklace, this beautiful gem is part of every jewelry piece today. The demand for this beautiful stone boosted in recent years, with Hollywood celebrities such as Beyoncé, Sarah Jessica Parker and Penelope Cruz seen wearing the gem during various events.

Tanzanite as Part of Style: 

What is the meaning of style to you? Tanzanite is a wonderful way to express that magnificence and accepting the femininity and delicacy in it. Do you have a most loved valuable gemstone that is mesmerizing and shiny from a distance? Tanzanite is the answer to both these questions. Tanzanite is a valuable gemstone that has two shading tones from blue to purple. The ideal combination of purple and blue makes this valuable stone among the most unique and adorable ones. What could be better compared to embellishing yourself with jewelry made out of this beautiful stone?

The special thing about Tanzanite is that it easily matches with every outfit no matter what the occasion is. To daily wear to the ones you wear occasionally, Tanzanite jewelry is a must go for every event. Whether pair Tanzanite with black outfits or the lighter ones, it will never let your style statement down. Except if obviously the dress itself is bedazzled, then, at that point it’s a gem piece on its own.

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