UK Online Students

It’s too easy to get caught up with everything you’ve to do while studying, especially if you’re working at the same time, as most of our students are at this point in their education.

That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your body’s signals and maintain a healthy level of self-care. Below you’ll find a list of our top recommendations for maintaining your health while studying:


Academic performance depends on getting enough sleep every night. Research has shown that if you get enough sleep, you’ll be better able to memorise and remember what you’ve learned. When a deadline is approaching, it’s tempting to forgo sleep in order to have more time to study, but this can be detrimental to your health. The average person needs between seven and nine hours of sleep every night, which is the recommended amount.

A healthy diet

We don’t have to convince you of the importance of maintaining a balanced diet in all its components. However, the most important thing you can do to keep your body and mind healthy is to drink plenty of water and eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Start preparing your weekly meals if you’re busy during the week. Looking for a snack to get you through the day?

Take a break

As an online student, you’ll spend a lot of time sitting and focused on your computer screen. So make sure you stretch your body and take regular breaks to catch your breath or eat something.

Plus, there’s no better way to take a break than to get those feel-good endorphins flowing through physical activity. Research has shown that physical activity, even as little as 15 minutes a day, can relieve stress and make you more productive. What type of physical activity is best for you and are you concerned about the costs involved?

Keep a diary

Keeping a diary can be a productive and creative way to deal with the constant stream of ideas running through your head. You probably have a lot of fantastic ideas, but you don’t know how to implement them. Do you think about all the different tasks that weigh on your shoulders? Writing things down makes it easier for you to manage and prioritise them, and gives you the peace of mind that you won’t forget anything. It also helps to reduce stress by directing your thoughts.

Make a plan

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you don’t plan, you fail” Then prepare to fail” Recent research has shown that keeping daily rituals and routines is crucial to your productivity. That’s why it’s especially important that you make time to study regularly. There are a number of ways to do this, from mobile apps to more traditional methods such as diaries and blackboards. Find a solution that works for you.

Set up a study space

And while we’re getting ready, why not find a place to do our homework? If you choose a specific space that’s free from distractions, you’ll be less likely to put off tasks until later. How can you find the ideal place to study?

Build a system of mutual support.

Communication is always beneficial, but especially if you’re struggling with an assignment or a particularly difficult lesson. There’s a lot of help available to you, e.g. from tutors and student support at your school, so you need to make the most of it. You can also ask your loved ones and close friends for advice and support by going over your plans and concepts with them first. It’s also helpful to choose one or two close friends who can check in with you regularly and support you.


Schedule enough time to relax and do something you enjoy, whether it’s indulging in a spa treatment in the bathtub or doing an activity of your choice while watching your favourite movie. Taking time off from your studies will allow you to come back refreshed and ready for the next step.

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