Solaris Resources

Safety regulations and measures are important to avoid health and environmental hazards during mining. Do you know that mining and extracting minerals from the ground is one of the most challenging jobs in the world?  Recent sources declared the death of a miner in Australia’s copper mines. Also, China has the world’s most dangerous mines. Therefore, people who work in mines need to take safety measures since the process is risky.

One of the leading Vancouver-based copper mining companies, Solaris Resources (TSXV SLS), works on different projects considering all health environment safety regulations. They believe in prioritizing planning, maintaining environmental & health safety standards, and discovering new deposits on the land.

Important Safety Measures To Consider During Copper Exploration

Following guidelines apply to open-pit & underground mining, and alluvial mining. Marine degrading and solution mining. Hazards and accidents may occur during copper exploration, development & construction. Operation, closure, and post-closure phases.

Environmental Safety Guidelines

Major environmental issues during mining activities may include water use & quality, wastes, hazardous materials, land use & biodiversity, air quality, noise & vibrations, energy use, and visual impacts. However, the following recommendations will help the mining organizations to overcome these issues.

Adequate monitoring and management of water use by establishing water balance, minimizing impact to natural systems, consider reusing & recycling of water where possible. Also, check the communities’ dependency on water resources.

  • Exercise tailings, leach-pad waste, hazardous, and non-hazardous industrial waste management strategies. Also, consider local geotechnical measures to reduce erosion and safety risks.
  • Implement soil conservation measures and minimize disturbance to vegetation.
  • Avoid dust by using efficient dust suppressing measures. Carry out operations at controlled temperature and include an appropriate gas scrubbing system.
  • Noise levels must be controlled by installing proper sound barriers.
  • Use non-invasive technologies like remote sensing and ground-based technologies. It will minimize conventional exploratory digging & drilling.

Workplace Health & Safety Guidelines

Copper mining activities should manage workplace health and safety hazards. All the copper mining companies should train their employees and provide them with all the safety accessories. Now, following these recommendations will help you avoid unwanted accidents and dangers.

  • Provide a sufficient number of first aid trained employees to respond to any emergencies.
  • Daily communications before initiation of work.
  • Training workers in remote areas such as protection against thermal stress or disease exposure, safety towards wildlife, and navigational aids.
  • Implementation of electrical competency standards and safe operating procedures for all electrical work. And apply appropriate testing schedules to electrical systems.
  • Assess the accurate safety of the worksite from rockfall or landslide, heavy rain, and any blasting activities.
  • Ensure safe, ventilated, and clean sources of air in underground mines.
  • Permanent lighting and underground illuminations are important for the safe movement of all workers and machinery.
  • Exercise routine inspection of the site and wear personal protective g
  • Underground mines should ensure a safe and clean air source for all areas expected to be occupied by workers.


When exploring copper, work as a professional organization by properly chalking out planning and researching. The employees must be given clear instructions and professional training before practically exploring copper and other minerals. The above section summarizes important recommendations and guidelines during mining activities. Stay alert and never ignore any warning.

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