Trusting the team

We all understand that effective business leadership is important for the success of a business. But at the same time, there are some common mistakes that effective business leaders must avoid. It is important not only from the perspective of maximizing profit but also in terms of growing the business effectively.

These mistakes may not be huge ones, but often these can result in severe losses and long-standing problems for the organization. These can also deter the morale of the team and also hamper the overall business innovation and the growth cycle. If you ask any entrepreneurs like Charles Field Marsham, you will realize that these are the ones that can lead to maximum losses.

  • Don’t distrust the team: The team is what makes the business enterprise effective. A good leader always trusts the team and, in return, motivates the team to trust the leader. Leaders who cannot trust their own team will end up becoming exhausted and may even end up doing more than their fair share of work. This can lead to them burning out much quicker than normal and also lose the respect of the team members. Both these aspects are highly avoidable, and one must avoid them at all costs.
  • Ask for help when needed: Humility is an important virtue, especially for those in big organizations like Field Marsham Foundation. Being haughty and arrogant will lead you nowhere and cannot help a leader achieve success. On the contrary, it is much easier for a leader to accept one’s own inadequacy, reach out, and ask for help as and when needed. Not only does it help a leader warm up to the team effectively, but also at the same time, ensures that the leader earns the respect of the team for being straightforward, truthful, and absolutely humble. In many ways, it is a stepping stone in winning the team’s trust.
  • Do not overpromise and under deliver: No one likes a person who makes tall claims but achieves nothing, and that is true even in the context of leadership virtues. An effective leader like Henry Ford is one who can manage expectations and always deliver well above the team’s expectations. That often goes a long way in ensuring the team’s morale is never low, and the team is motivated to put in their best. On the contrary, if the team is constantly disappointed, they can lose the urge and motivation to perform, and that can lead to bigger losses for the business. No leader can be successful in that kind of scenario.


These common mistakes are some of the most damaging ones in business leadership. Trusting the team and believing in them is important for not just growing the business but also instilling confidence in the team’s overall morale. Therefore, it is essential that the business leadership takes guard and avoids falling into these mistakes. It will not only make the leadership team more effective but also individually enhance a person’s leadership characteristics and traits for being successful.

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